LibrarySite Styles and Options

LibrarySite includes a broad range of builtin style options.  The Cherry Hill Company can also work with your library to create custom styles as needed.

Image Options

You can place images onto content in three ways: 

  1. Slideshow at the top of the page. See examples of this on the Kids and Teens demo pages.
  2. Main image near the top of the page. This is a single image with an optional caption that always holds promenant placement on the page. In the case of events and news items, this image also displays wherever the item is listed. See the About page as an example of the image on the page, or the Events page as an example of listed content.
  3. Inline within the body. These images are placed within your text and can be floated left or right, but they do not receive special style treatment.

Header Options

There are three header levels availble for making your content easy to read and skim: Header 2, Header 3 and Header 4.

The words "Header Options" above are an example of Header 2. 

Header 3 will look like this

Header 4 will look like this

Header 1 is not available in the visual editor because it is reserved for your page title.

Headers are very important for SEO and semantic markup.

Text Styles

Text styles are a great way to make your content stand out. 

Aside text floats to the right in a bright box matching your site's color scheme. 

The four options available out of the box are: 

  • Special: this content will appear in larger text in your fancy font, and is used for things like intro paragraphs and your mission statement.
  • Aside: this content will really stand out because it is floated to the right and put into a bright box.
  • Notice: this puts text into a bright yellow box, and is typically used for emergency notices.
  • Blockquote: this should only be used for quotes, as it has semantic meaning and classifies your content as "quote" while also making it look special.

Blockquotes will look like this. Only actual quotes should receive this treatment.
Quotes (or any text style) can be multiple lines or paragraphs long. 

Notice text really stands out in its yellow box.

Special text is great for featured text, intro paragraphs, mission statements and more.


More information on how you can use all of these styles in your LibrarySite can be found in our documentation. We also provide unlimited email support to Libraries using LibrarySite, and offer optional training.